Say goodbye to costly environmental handling charges and fees with our exclusive ECO Cube.
Instead of paying the required $0.15- $0.22 enviro fee/levy per litre every time you purchase bottled or boxed oil, with our 20L ECO Cubes, you only pay the $0.10 per litre container fee ONCE. Our ECO Cubes are stored on a steel rack for easy dispensing. When you run low or need a refill, we exchange your empty ECO Cube for a full one. Only $0.05 per litre is required on refills, saving you up to $0.17 per litre. Zero container fees and zero containers to dispose of so it’s also environmentally friendly. You can store up to 300-400 litres of product, with a footprint under 6 sq./ft. Take advantage of bulk pricing and no container fees, with the space saving ECO Cubes.